In an unexpected turn of events, a young mother found herself facing a life-altering situation after a car accident with her 4-year-old daughter. At the scene, she admitted to officers that she had consumed an edible, leading to charges of wanton endangerment. The Department for Community Based Services intervened, resulting in the removal of her daughter from her custody.
Determined to repair her mistakes and reunite with her daughter, the mother reached out to The Nest, a non-profit organization that offers a safe and healing place for education, counseling, advocacy, and support. She completed an intake form online, and the Program Coordinator promptly connected with her to confirm her availability for group classes. Following a brief orientation with her group facilitator, she embarked on her journey of growth by enrolling in online parenting classes.
Over the course of 12 online sessions, she joined other mothers in similar situations, learning various critical topics on parenting and relationships. The parenting classes at The Nest cover essential areas such as protective capacity, empathy, child development, discipline, self-care, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES), resilience, warning signs of sexual abuse, co-parenting, and the impact of domestic violence on children.
The program's structure included pre and post-tests to gauge the participants' understanding and application of these parenting skills. The young mother demonstrated significant growth, showing a deepened comprehension of the vital role these skills play in her and her daughter's lives.
Reflecting on her experience, she shared that the classes were particularly beneficial in helping her understand her child's emotions and improve their communication. Initially hesitant about the classes, she now sees the positive changes they have brought to her life. This newfound knowledge and perspective have set her on the path to reuniting with her daughter in the coming month.
Her journey shows the determination of parents striving to improve their lives and the lives of their children. United Way of the Bluegrass is honored to support organizations like The Nest, which uplift and guide parents through these transformative experiences, helping to turn moments of crisis into opportunities for growth and reconnection.
To learn more about The Nest, please visit their website: