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Chas Sargent - Former YLS President, Current Board of Directors Member

At United Way of the Bluegrass, we are currently celebrating our centennial year, highlighting 100 Heroes who have been important in our fight for the basic needs, education and financial stability of our neighbors over the past century.

We recently spoke with Chas Sargent, former Young Leaders Society (YLS) president, current Board of Directors member, and chair of the Montgomery County Board of Trustees to learn more about his role and relationship with United Way of the Bluegrass.

What is your current or former role within United Way of the Bluegrass and what does a typical day look like in this role?

I am mostly involved through the Young Leaders Society. I served as president of YLS the last fiscal year and have been involved with YLS since 2016. I got really involved a few years ago and have been trying to grow the impact that we have on our community. Now, I serve on the Board of Directors and I am entering my third year on the board. When I stepped down as YLS president I made it a goal to advocate for young donors through the UWBG Board and to stay in touch with the youth community that the YLS caters to.

What do you think is the most special thing about United Way of the Bluegrass?

United Way of the Bluegrass gives you the opportunity to get involved in any way that you want to get involved. United Way touches so many areas of the communities that they serve. If you want to go and read a book to a child at school, you can. If you want to volunteer at the Hope Center, you can. If you want to serve meals to those in need, you can do that. It’s the variety of opportunities that United Way of the Bluegrass opens up to help your specific community, not just in the Lexington-Fayette County area, but surrounding counties, as well. It is always nice to see. If you want to get involved, United Way of the Bluegrass can certainly point you in the right direction.

What is your favorite memory with United Way of the Bluegrass?

My favorite memory was when the YLS went to the Hope Center on Day of Action and worked in their garden and helped with other things inside to clean up the facility. It was a beautiful day. We were able to volunteer together. The hands-on stuff is what’s most fun with getting involved and learning more about what the community needs.

How has United Way of the Bluegrass changed your life or how have you seen UWBG change the lives of others?

I knew there was a need in the community growing up, but I was never overly concerned with it. As I started getting a glimpse of the needs in the community, United Way of the Bluegrass showed me where the need was, and still persists. It opened my eyes even more to how important it is to give back when you can, financially or with your time, energy and effort. United Way broadened my viewpoint on who needs help and how to help.

Fun Questions:

What is your favorite place and thing to do in the Bluegrass?

I have three kids and a wife, so it’s all around them. We really like to get outdoors whether it might be at my mom’s farm or a park. We like to be outside and let the kids run around, and really enjoy what the Bluegrass has to offer.

What is your favorite local restaurant in the Bluegrass area?

The easy answer is Malone’s because you can always count on it, but I would say Ramsey's is probably my favorite sit-down restaurant. There are quick casuals as well, but we like Ramsey’s and the home cooking side of things.

Thank you for being such a strong part of UWBG, Chas! We appreciate you and all that you've done and continue to do.

“The future is very bright. It is an exciting time for those involved with United Way of the Bluegrass to see how things play out and to follow Timothy’s leadership.” ~Chas Sargent
To learn more about how we are continuing to serve the Bluegrass in 2021, click here.
Do you know someone who has worked alongside United Way of the Bluegrass in the past century who should be considered for our 100 Heroes series? Please email us at to share your nomination!
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