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United Way Opens WayPoint Centers In Lexington And Paris

Reposted from

July 1, 2021

The United Way of the Bluegrass is opening one-stop community-based centers to provide an easier route for underserved residents to improve their financial stability.

Jeri Botts manages the WayPoint program found in Lexington’s Black and Williams Neighborhood Center. “My plan is to offer financial literacy and stability, which is helping getting jobs, helping budgeting. Helping in setting short and long term goals financially. And then, overcoming any barriers to that, whether that be transportation-education. Sometimes people don’t have an ID. So whatever that may be, let’s work on that. Sometimes people may have a record of some sort. You can still work. Let us help you get through that,” said Botts.

Botts said the emphasis will be on the entire family, both parents and children. She noted there are in-house services as well as partnerships with numerous outside groups.

Botts said she’s confident, after trust is built, people will come to the WayPoint Center. Toyota is one of the prime sponsors of the program. In addition to two centers in Lexington, a third is located in Paris with plans for other central Kentucky WayPoint facilities.

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