We want your holiday season to be as stress-free as possible, while ensuring that your budget doesn’t go out the window! To help, we have compiled a list of tips and tricks that can help you find the best deals on gifts for your loved ones. To give gifts without breaking the bank, follow these seven tips and tricks:
Tip #1: Look around
Don’t buy something the first time you see it. Before making a purchase, see if you can find it cheaper elsewhere, like discount chain stores, thrift stores, factory outlets, department store outlets or online.
Tip #2: Avoid shipping and handling fees
Some stores will give you free shipping on catalog and online orders if you place the order in the store. If you’re curious, call a store and see if they offer this option.
Tip #3: Sign up for mailing lists and follow your favorite stores on social media
Subscribe to the mailing lists and social media accounts of your favorite stores to get alerts about sales or enter contests and promotional giveaways.
Tip #4: Use profession-specific discounts
Depending on where you work, you may be eligible for extra discounts. Be sure to do your research before spending extra on certain items.
Tip #5: Search for coupons online
Use services like Rakuten, Honey, Retailmenot and Groupon for special savings and coupons! Some stores may have coupons on their website as well. It doesn’t hurt to do a quick search while standing in the checkout line!
Tip #6: Download a free browser extension
There are several free websites and browser extensions that can help you automatically compare prices whenever you shop online. Popcart is a popular option, and sites like Rakuten, Honey, Retailmenot and Groupon listed above also offer free browser extensions.
Tip #7: Ask for a price adjustment
If you buy something at full price and notice a few days later that the price has been marked down, don’t be afraid to ask for a credit. Some major retailers will issue a full credit refund within 7-10 days of your purchase.
Don’t forget to download our holiday budget worksheet, courtesy of CKEEP, to help track your holiday expenses! We hope these tips and tricks help you on your way to a stress-free holiday season!
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